Download Menapro

Last stable version

See the instructions on this page



Known issues:

If backend blocks aren´t loading go to config->security->repair

If your apache version is not recognized do this.


Ftp or Xamp:

  1. Download zip file.
  2. Unzip and upload content to your local or remote server
  3. Create an empty database in your server
  4. Access in a browser to the url. Installer launch.
    1. If file system does not allow the install you will see a message indicating what folders must change permission in order to work properly.
  5. At the end a message will appear with the url of the manager (autogenerated). You can change it whenever you want (by ftp), but be extremely careful about what name do you use. Don´t ever use words like "Admin", "Gestor", "Administrator","backend","panel" and similar. The best is left name as generated


Open a terminal and and navigate to your web folder.

"composer create-project menaprocms/menapro --prefer-dist"

Note: Depending on your composer installation you may need to use "php composer.phar"

You need to create a database before running the installer.

Once composer has finished go to your host in a browser and installer will launch.

Composer also lets you select the destination. For more information check composer docs


Updating MenaPro

Before update make a backup of your MenaPro.

To update download zip distribution and uncompress in your computer, then upload the content of menacore folder into your menacorexxxx

An auto updater is coming, but until it is ready we recommend update overriding files.